Feb. 2025 Meeing Hoss's

Our first meeting of the year 2025 will be on Feb.3, 2025 at Hoss's in Annville. Dinner at 5 P.M. and the business will start at 6 P.M. We welcome new V.P. Victoria Eisenhour and membership Chairperson Tara Kern.


The Country Cruisers have decided to cancel the "Let's Go Cruisin" rte. 322 car show again this year in July at the Campbelltown Fire Company grounds. The Virus has made everything more difficult with getting prizes, donations plus getting volunteers. We may try to do something with our cruises at Hoss's in Annville for July. This will be a much smaller show, but hope it can work out for us and the attendees. We will up-date as we have more details. We are still having our monthly car shows at Hoss's in Annville starting on April 11th from 3-6 p.m.


    With the seriousness of the Covid-19 virus the Country Cruisers have decided to CANCEL our Christmas Party on Dec. 12, 2020. We will try again next year if this ever passes. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from the Country Cruisers. 


This has hard been a very difficult year for everyone including the Country Cruisers. Our donations to local charities are down this year because of fewer shows and no Campbelltown Show. We have moved our monthly cruises to Hoss's in Annville, because Hometown Restaurant has closed. We will be doing our monthly cruises next year at Hoss's unless anything changes and will keep you posted.

Our monthly club meeting will be held at Hoss's because they allowed us to hold them in their back room, our next meeting will be Dec. 7th. If having a meal please be there by 5 pm and the meeting will start around 6 pm. We will post meeting schedules and cruise-in dates after okayed at our next meeting. At this time no decisions has been made on the "Lets Go Cruisin' 322" in Campbelltown next year. Hoping for the best for beating this Covid-19 virus.


up date July 31st 2020

   The Country Cruisers will hold our first cruise-in this Sunday Aug. 2nd at Hoss's in Annville from 3-6 p.m. We are hoping the rain will bypass us this Sunday, but if not we will try again in Sept. Our monthly club meeting will be held at Coleman's Park pavilion #8 Monday Aug. 3rd at 6 p.m. This will be a bring your own sandwich and water. Some of us are going up to the Roadhouse cruise-in on Eisenhower Boulevard Saturday Aug. 1st and will leave from the Speedway at 3 p.m. in Campbelltown. These two cruise-in's depend on the weather.


      Due to the current health issues the Country Cruisers of Lebanon Country has cancelled our April 5th cruise-in at Hoss's in Annville and our April 4th car club meeting has also been cancelled. We will post about May events in late April, stay safe.

Country Cruisers meeting

The Country Cruisers meeting is this Saturday March 7th and our meal will be a potato bar - new experience for us with bring some toppings for your potato. Car show season will start in April and the calendar looks full, our first cruise-in will be April 5th at our new location Hoss's in Annville 3-6 pm

2020 Campbelltown Car Show

America's 911 Car Show May 30, 2020

Award Sponsor Letter 2015

July 2014 up date

The Country Cruisers "Let's Go Cruisin' 322 car show July 6th is only a few day away. We have great door prizes, big Chinese auction and many baskets to raffle off. This year's show is shaping up to be our biggest one to date and it looks like we will have excellent weather. You will need to come early for the best parking spots as we expect to have a big turn-out.

The new By-Laws are finished and will be handed out at the July 7th meeting, we are also having fresh subs for the July meeting. The Palmyra Dairy Queen car show will be on July 13th 3-6 p.m. Weekly car shows are everywhere so pick some out and help promote "Cruisin'.