Thousand Trails & Country Cruisers on June 22nd 12 - 4 p.m. at Thousand Trails Hershey Campground. July 7th is our show at Campbelltown Fireman's Grounds, send in your registrations now. July 14th will be the Dairy Queen show at Palmyra 3 - 7 p.m. July 20th will be the Hilltop Playgound show in Lebanon 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. July 21st is the 3rd Annual America's 911 & Military Tribute car show registration starts at 10 a.m. Fort Indiantown Gap, this cruise supports our wounded warrriors & America's 911 foundation. July 27th 10th Annual Lebanon Area Fair car show 12 - 4 p.m. You may sign up for our picnic July 27 at the July meeting, so we can have a head count and with your covered dish. The V.A. show in Lebanon is now back on and will be on Oct. 13th. This is just another way to honor our veterans
UPDATE: The Cedar Haven Car Show of June 13th is to be rescheduled as we understand