- Kathy Conrad

...Please keep Ken Conrad , his Daughter and the grandchildren  in your prayers....Kathy passed away Today - March 3. 

  When we hear anything on the services we will share it with all of you.


...We would be honored if you came to celebrate my mother's amazing spirit and life on Monday March 10th at our church! First united Methodist church 520 east birch street palmyra pa! 5-6 visitation and 6:00 service! — Valerie Conrad-white

News update

The second order of the new design for jackets & shirts has been placed with Mr. Bobbin' and should be ready after February 15th. We will see that they are delivered as soon as we have them. The February meeting was well attended and the next meeting will be March 1st with pot luck being the meal for that month. Nancy I. is in charge of the food for this month, so contact her for what you want to bring.

Car show flyers should also be ready by Feb. 7th and will be available for distribution. Sponsors are still needed for this show, let Glen M. know if you have any.

2014 Car Show Flyer

Brian & Linda Ream's 1951 Henry J

Christmas Party 2013

Country Cruisers Christmas Party

* The party will be at the Campbelltown Fire Hall Social Room

* Saturday December 7th, 2013 5-10 p.m. 

* Doors open @ 4:30 p.m.

* Hors D' oeuves from 4"30 p.m. until dinner is served

* Catered by " All About You Catering"

* Tickets are $20.00 per person - deadline for tickets is Nov. 16th

* Contact Linda Wolford @ 272-0545 for tickets or at the Nov. meeting

* You are asked to bring a dessert

* Desserts will be judged for baker of the year award

* Disc Jockey - Kris Wolferberger - mixed music & karaoke

We may even do the "Wiggle Wobble"

Where did this Cruising Season go

Could not wait for the cruising season to get here and now it is about over. The club has one last Cruise-In at the Palmyra Dairy Queen which is Nov. 3rd from 3 - 6 p.m. The Dairy Queen has arranged for Lebanon Levi to be there from 2 - 4 p.m. All monies will go to the Hershey Medical Center Children's Hospital and the Children's Miracle Network, this includes donations for pictures taken with Lebanon Levi. The club has donated $5100.00 to charities this year and a list of these charities are posted on our face book page. The club's Christmas Party will be held at the Campbelltown Fire Company Social Hall on Dec. 7, see Linda Wolford for tickets. More information on the party will be posted shortly. Club election's will be held at the November meeting. The Country Cruisers won first place for traveling club at the Ocean City, Md. car show in October.

Cruisin 322 Campbelltown Car Show Video

Some news for July

Summer is now here and every weekend is filled with car shows. The 1st KOA Thousand Trails Car Show June 22nd saw a great turn out with cars. We will try to do a better job wiith registration and the food service next year.

July 1st Country Cruisers club meeting 6 p.m.

July 7th our show at Campbelltown Fire Company grounds

July 20th Hill Top Playground car show in Lebanon

July 21st 3rd Annual 911 & Military Tribute - Fort Indiantown Gap

July 27th club picnic Knoebles

July 27th Classic car, Truck and Chopper Show - Lebanon Valley Exposition Center


Thousand Trails & Country Cruisers  on June 22nd 12 - 4 p.m. at Thousand Trails Hershey Campground. July 7th is our show at Campbelltown Fireman's Grounds, send in your registrations now. July 14th will be the Dairy Queen show at Palmyra 3 - 7 p.m. July 20th will be the Hilltop Playgound show in Lebanon 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. July 21st is the 3rd Annual America's 911 & Military Tribute car show registration starts at 10 a.m. Fort Indiantown Gap, this cruise supports our wounded warrriors & America's 911 foundation. July 27th 10th Annual Lebanon Area Fair car show 12 - 4 p.m. You may sign up for our picnic July 27 at the July meeting, so we can have a head count and with your covered dish. The V.A. show in Lebanon is now back on and will be on Oct. 13th. This is just another way to honor our veterans

UPDATE: The Cedar Haven Car Show of June 13th is to be rescheduled as we understand

Brian & Linda Ream's 68 Camaro

Nancy & John Iacavon's 1972 Dodge